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Koło Handles for disabled Lehnen Funktion
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1061401
color: stainless steel type of surfacetype of surface: wavy
Price: 716€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1054501
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wavy
Price: 351€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1054602
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wavy
Price: 333€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1054601
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wavy
Price: 333€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1061102
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wavy
Price: 460€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1061101
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wavy
Price: 460€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1061202
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wavy
Price: 448€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1061201
Color: stainless steel
Type of surfacetype of surface: smooth
Price: 448€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1061402
color: stainless steel type of surfacetype of surface: wavy
Price: 716€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1200100
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wypolerowana
Price: 623€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1221100
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wypolerowana
Price: 700€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1103100
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wypolerowana
Price: 139€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1000101
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: smooth
Price: 82€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1023512
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wavy, with smooth vertical arm.
Price: 463€
Manufacturer: Koło
Catalog no. L1000601
Color: stainless steel Type of surfacetype of surface: wavy
Price: 141€