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Grohe > Concealed cisterns > WC Controls and Flush Plates > Flush plates > Flush button uruchamiający Grohe Skate Cosmopolitan przedni, stainless steel,, for concealed cisterns
Flush plates
color: stainless steel,
Flush plates
color: stainless steel,
do uruchomienia 2-pojemnościowego lub Start/Stop
do pneumatycznego zaworu spłukującego AV1
montaż pionowy i poziomy
wymiary 156 x 197 mm
powłoka chromowa z GROHE StarLight®
Customer pickup points: Kraków , Kraków
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+48 12 266 8 666
Katarzyna 515 172 874
Rafał 507 171 444
Kompleksowe wyceny:
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38732000
Price: 50€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38564000
Price: 40€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38505SH0
Price: 33€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38505P00
Price: 41€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38506SH0
Price: 33€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38506P00
Price: 55€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38862000
Price: 61€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38861000
Price: 62€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38574000
Price: 52€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 115.751.00.1
Price: 106€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38732000
Price: 50€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38505000
Price: 41€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38565000
Price: 40€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38574000
Price: 52€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38861000
Price: 62€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 38862000
Price: 61€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 115.758.KJ.5
Price: 73€
Series: Flush plates
Catalog number: 115.758.KH.5
Price: 103€